Why Swami Param Institute
Swami param institute of nursing and paramedical is/shall be committed to excel in nursing education,clinical practice,nursing research & coummunity service The college prepares nursing students to be effective & leaders who will work to improve health care & health of the patient.
Excellent Teaching Staff with Regular Classese
Classes are conducted by expert teaching staff with Sophisticated AV aids such as Over Head Projector (OHP), Liquid Crystalline Display (LCD), Charts, Flannel Graphs, and Flash Cards etc . Special attention is given to the Hindi Medium students to cope up with classes dealt by English Language. Students are regularly evaluated by periodical Assignments, Lesson Plans, Unit Test, Internal Exams, Preparatory Exams and Practical Exams are conducted by the Institute. Students are therefore well prepared for the Annual Examination thereby seeking 100 percent results in the Examinations conducted by U P State Medical Faculty, Lucknow. Guidance and Counseling facility is also available in the Institute. Teachers councel each and every student and guiding them in their career development. None of the students are neglected for any reasons.
Nursing and Paramedical
trainees needs both theoretical as well as Practical Knowledge. Students learn skills in theory and the same they apply in clinical practice. Application of theory in clinical practice must need Skills. Students are posted in various Hospitals such as 150 bedded Multispecialty parent Meridian Nursing Home and Hospital Pvt. Ltd and 30 bedded Meridian Maternity and Laparoscopic Centre and Affiliated hospitals such as Pt. Deendayal Upadhyay Rajkiya Chikitsalay and Mental Hospital, Pandeypur,Prasutigrih,Chaukaghat,Distrct Hospital Kabirchaura, Varanasi and Primary Health Centre Chiregaoun, Community Health Centre, Narpatpur for utilization of clinical facilities. Practice makes the man perfect, but perfect practice makes the man really perfect. We are giving more importance to the perfection than affection.
Knowledge on English and Computer
Basic knowledge of English and Computer is essential in day to day life and in all Professional Courses. In such aspect, separately we have daily classes in English and Computer to improve their knowledge and helps in career development. Basics of computer MS office, PDF, use of Internet, are taught to students. English is essential to maintain records and reports, to read case study, and maintenance of registers in the hospital. So Meridian Products are capable of working not only in India but also in the world under any circumstances.
Wi Fi Enabled Campus and Smart Classes
Smart Classes are the modern concept of effective teaching tool in Education system. Through Internet Video Clips, Live Videos of Surgeries, PPT's regarding Various Nursing and Paramedical Procedures are shown. We can remember a Proverb, "If I Hear, I Forget, If I See, I Can Remember, If I Do, I Can Do". So smart classes are effective for students in remembering various procedures and help them to improve their skills. Meridian Institute and Hospital is completely enabled with evergreen Wi Fi services for students. Students can utilize the services for 24 hrs in a Day.
Most of the people are not capable of paying fees offered by various institutions. All are having their own dreams to get admissions in Professional or Technical Courses to develop their career. Govt. is providing scholarships to the low socio-economic background students and helps their dreams come true. Government Scholarship are sanctioned based on the Income and Percentage of marks obtained by the students. After the admission to any course students should submit their online application form to be benefitted for Govt. Scholarships. Required documents are Income certificate, Caste Certificate, Domicile certificate, Marks Sheets of previous years, Adhaar card, Saving Bank Account etc.